Most Popular
Fully Featured Line
- A primary or a secondary phone line
- Direct access: employees can have their own line
- Compatible with an existing telephone system
- Multiple core calling features, such as Voicemail and Call display
Calling Features
With a fix term
Call Display
10 calling features included
Basic Business Line
- A secondary phone line
- Send and receive faxes
- Set up a point-of-sale system
- Compatible with an existing alarm system
Optional calling features
Can be added to support your needs as your business grows.
See Calling features
Adding more than one feature? Get our Fully Featured Line for better value.
Call us now for all your phone needs at 1 888 Télébec (835-3232) (Opens in the default phone client)
Feature | Description |
Call Display | See the name and number of who is calling before you answer the phone. |
Call Forward | Forward incoming calls to another number. |
Call Return | Hear the last number to call your business and have the option to call it back. |
Call Waiting | Get notified of incoming calls when you’re on the phone and switch between calls. |
Speed Dial | Assign a single-digit key to up to 10 phone numbers so you can quickly dial important contacts. |
Ident-A-Call | Have another number for your existing phone line with its own distinctive ring. |
Three Way Calling | Add another person to an in-progress call. |
Visual Call Waiting | See both the name and number of incoming calls when you’re on the phone and switch between calls. |
Voicemail | Give customers the option to leave you a message if you’re not available – and listen to these messages on any phone. |
Intercommunication | Lets you ring your own line, so you can use your phone to call others in your home or outbuildings. |
Simultaneous Ring | Make two other local phone numbers ring along with your main line. |

Get more for your business with a bundle that includes:
- Reliable phone service including most popular features
- Secure and unlimited Internet access